
IPC 發明的尖端技術解決方案為您實現不可能的夢。作為一家科技公司,我們將現今世界面對的重重挑戰化為機會,創造一個更好的生活。

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IPC 旗下共有八個品牌涵蓋不同行業。每個品牌針對一組特定的客戶,並附有一系列相關的產品。全部系列都有兩個共通點:所有產品都使用「質子能量技術」並提供無與倫比的優點。

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Major Categories of our Creative Solutions
There are 8 brands in various industries under the umbrella of the IPC Group. Each brand addresses a particular group of consumers and carries its own series of products, but they have two common denominators: they are all empowered with Euphoria Technology™ and provide incomparable benefits.